3 best viewpoints in Tallinn

Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, has one of the most beautiful medieval old towns and at the same time a futuristic center with tall glass buildings.

Fortunately, there are also some pretty awesome viewpoints from which to view the city, and three of the best are here.

1. Kohtuotsa viewing platform

Address: Kohtu 12, 10130 Tallinn

Opening times: 24/7 and free

Accessibility: Located at the top of a hill, which can be reached on foot or by car quite close. However, you have to climb a few steps to enter the platform.

Info: The best and iconic view of Tallinn - you can see both the old town and the city center behind it.

2. The tower of St. Olav's Church

Address: Kohtu 12, 10130 Tallinn

Opening times: From April 8 to September 31 (closed in winter):
Monday to Sunday: 10:00 - 18.00

Tickets: adults: 5 €, students: 3 € and children under 8: free. NB! Cash only!


  • The spiral staircase is really narrow so keep that in mind if you are claustrophobic. You have to climb 250 steps to get up there and it's the only way up (no elevators).

  • During peak tourist times (late June-early August) it can be quite crowded, which makes climbing more difficult. The platform is high, but firmly protected and you can't see through the floor from up there.

  • The deck is really narrow, especially in the corners, and so there is only one-way traffic (when entering the deck, follow the green arrows pointing to the right).

Info: This Gothic church was the tallest in the medieval world (159 meters in the 16th century). Today, the height of the tower is 123,7 m and the viewing platform is 60 m above the ground. There is no better viewing point so high in the old town.

3. Patkuli viewing platform

Address: Rahukohtu 5, 10130 Tallinn

Opening times: 24/7 and free

Accessibility: It is located at the top of the hill, which can be reached on foot through the old town or by climbing the stairs from the Telliskivi district to the platform, or quite close by driving a car (parking next to the Toomkirik - Toom-Kooli 6, 10130 Tallinn).

Info: The second best viewing platform in the Old Town of Tallinn, from where you can see one side of the Old Town and the sea.


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